5 Fall Makeup Trends / 5 Trenduri ale Machiajului de Toamna

Cand vine vorba de machiaj, toamna marcheaza inceputul unui look mai rafinat. Bronzerul stralucitor este schimbat pe nuante roz de blush , in timp ce buzele si pleoapele nude se scufunda in nuante capricioase de visiniu si bleumarin. De la buze smoky la ochi inspirati de Brigitte Bardot , continua sa dai pagina pentru cele mai dragute 5 trenduri ale toamnei.
( When it comes to makeup, autumn marks the beginning of a sleeker, more refined look. Shimmery bronzer is traded in for rosy cheek tints, while bare lips and lids dip into moody hues like burgundy and navy.
From smoky lips to Bardot-inspired eyes, keep flipping for five of fall’s prettiest trends!)

Trend #1: Ochi de Bambi / Bambi Eyes

Nimic nu spune toamna mai mult ca un breton luxurios care avantajeaza forma fetei. Spune buna lui Brigitte Bardot 2. Aceasta recreere moderna a bombei sexy a anilor ’60 se focuseaza pe ochi incadrandu-i in gene groase de Bambi si pe pleoapa de sus si pe cea de jos.
(Nothing says more fall than a lush, fluttery fringe. Say hello to Brigitte Bardot 2.0 . This modern take on the ‘60s bombshell focuses on the eyes, framing them with thick, Bambi-like lashes on both the top and bottom.)

Alte elemente ale acestui trend cu inspiratie retro includ sclipici fin pe pleoape, tonuri pescate, si buze nude opace.
(Other elements of this retro-inspired trend include soft shimmer on the eyelids, peachy tones, and opaque nude lips.)

Daca genele false nu sunt pentru tine, incearca acest truc de makeup artist.(8)
(If false lashes aren’t your thing, try this makeup artist trick.(8))

Trend #2: Sprancene Puternice / Power Brows

Imperiul lui Cara Delevigne peste lumea sprancenelor este inca in putere si dovada sunt podiumurile de moda. Sprancenele au fost, decolorate, acoperite, pieptanate in sus, alungite, stufoase, vopsite in auriu sau pur si simplu ultra definite si ingrijite.
(Cara Delevingne’s reign over the brow world is still going strong and the runways are proof. Brows were bleached, covered, brushed upward, elongated, bushy, [painted gold], or simply ultra-defined and groomed.)

Pentru ati face sprancenele mai pline, ia un creion de sprancene si deseneaza linii scurte in directia sprancenelor apoi estompeaza cu o periuta de sprancene.
(To fake fuller brows, take a brow pencil, and draw short, light strokes in the direction of your natural brows, then blend it out with a clean spooly. )

Sprancenele puternice din aceasta toamna si iarna arata cum o simpla schimbare iti poate modifica intregul look. Pur si simplu ajustand grosimea lor, lungimea, sau arcada poate transmite o atitudine mai hotarata sau chiar mai sexy.
( This fall and winter’s bold brows show just how much one simple change can alter your entire look. Simply tweaking their thickness, length, or arch can convey a more determined or even more sexy demeanor.)

Trend #3: Buze Smoky / Smoky Lips

Da la o parte creionul de buze in favoarea unui look mai bland, mai natural. Ai nevoie de inspiratie ? Podiumurile de moda ale lui Charlotte Ronson, Giorgio Armani, J. Mendel, si Prada o sa-ti dea destula.
(Toss your lip liner in favor of a softer, more natural look. Need inspiration? The runways of Charlotte Ronson, Giorgio Armani, J. Mendel, and Prada will give you plenty.)

Ca si smoky eyes, aceste buze sarutate sunt mai degraba despre delicatete si textura ,decat folosind aceeasi culoare, si arata de parca au petrecut toata noaptea.
(Like smoky eyes, these kissed-off lips are more about softness and texture than the exact shade used, and they look like they’ve already partied all night long.)

Pentru a recrea acest look, foloseste-ti degetele pentru a aplica rujul tau preferat in centrul buzelor apoi preseaza-ti buzele pentru a difuza culoarea.
(To recreate this look on yourself, simply use your fingertips to pat your favorite lipstick into the center of your lips, then press your lips together to diffuse the color.)

Trend #4: Conturare cu gust / Tasteful Contouring

Pentru trend-ul de toamna asta imagineaza-ti abilitatea de Kardashian la nivel de conturare dar mult mai atenuat. Nuantele de bej si neutre sunt folosite pentru a sculpta subtil fata perfecta, conturand si iluminand trasaturile intr-un mod nu foarte evidentiat.
(For this fall trend, imagine the skill of Kardashian-level contouring, but way more toned down. Beiges and neutrals are being used to subtly sculpt the perfect face, contouring and highlighting features in a not-so-obvious way.)

Sculpteaza-ti obrajii si mai mult adaugand iluminantul ca parte a ecuatiei, (deasupra pometilor). Cateodata o stralucire si iluminare evidenta completeaza efectul topografic, dar conturarea a fost intotdeauna presenta pe podiumuri si fetele nu au fost niciodata plate.
(Sculpt your cheekbones even more by adding highlighter as part of the equation (on top of the cheeks). Sometimes, an obvious sheen and highlight complete the topographical effect, but shading and shadowing was always very present on the runways, and faces were never flat.)

Trend #5: Pleoape Albastre / Blue Eyes

S-ar putea sa asociezi machiajul albastru al ochilor cu zilele calduroase de vara sau primavara, dar versiunea toamnei este mai eleganta, mai profunda si mai matura.
(You might associate blue eye makeup with the balmier days of summer or spring, but fall’s version is sleeker, deeper, and more grown-up. )

Albastrul puternic aduce un soc binevenit de energie pozitiva zilelor reci si intunecate.
(Bold blue brings a welcome jolt of positive energy to colder, darker days.)

Pentru o licarire perfecta de albastru, incearca sa stratifici un eyeliner lichid deasupra unui creion.
(For the perfect glint of blue, try layering a liquid liner over your pencil liner.)

Tie care trend iti place? Lasa-mi un raspuns mai jos! What trend do you like the most? Comment below.

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